Find Your Love of Art at the ARTfactory.

April 25, 2024

“Once you’re here, it’s hard to leave!” That’s how Ahryel Tinker, Education Director at the ARTfactory of Manassas, describes the not-for-profit organization that provides arts education and experiences for all ages in Prince William County.

Founded in 1984 by a group of artists and art lovers, the ARTfactory has been enriching the arts scene in Northern Virginia for 40 years. Wind River is a proud sponsor of the organization, support which includes the naming of the “Wind River Theater.”

Programming at the ARTfactory includes classes in theatre, visual arts and dance, as well as summer camps and multiple productions and gallery exhibits each year. Because of the richness of the programming, Tinker said, students and participants often find themselves moving from a theater group to an art class, from spectator to participant.

The Calavas family’s connection to the ARTfactory is a living testament to the ways the organization invites continued exploration. Chris and Kim got involved in the Pied Piper theater’s music program in the ‘90s, and their kids, Kennedy and JJ, joined the fun as soon as they were old enough. The family has found that participating together is a powerful family bonding experience. “Parents like to do things with their children,” said Chris. “In theater, you get to be right up on stage with the kids…that is the most incredible experience; an amazing, amazing memory.”

Wind River is delighted to support all the ways ARTfactory is inspiring harmony through art and community.